
Rachael Duthie RGN

Sexual Health & Drugs Specialist Trainer

Email: rachaelpmduthie@gmail.com

“External visitors can enrich the SRE curriculum through direct classroom input by bringing particular skills, methods, perspectives and expertise.”

(Sex Education Forum ‘External visitors and sex and relationships education’ 2010)

I am a Registered Nurse who has worked as a Specialist Sexual Health Nurse, including outreach work, for more than 15 years in London, Cambridge, Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire. Based in Cambridge now, I have worked with young people from a wide variety of backgrounds, including excluded pupils and, as a School Nurse, in a boys’ boarding school. I am also a trained Drug Educator for Hope UK, a national drug and alcohol charity for children and young people, and have volunteered for them for more than 8 years. I have extensive experience of teaching sex, drugs, alcohol and lifeskills education to adults as well as young people.

Who do I teach?

  • Older children and young people, including those with moderate learning difficulties

Who do I train?

  • Professionals and other adult groups who work with young people or have an interest in these areas

How do I work?

All sessions are designed to be interactive and take account of different learning styles, group size and local policy as appropriate.

General overview of topics I can offer:

  • Sexual health:
    • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
    • Contraception
    • Unwanted pregnancies
    • The Law
    • Safer Sex
    • Risky behaviour
    • The media and its use and effect on sexual behaviour
    • Where to go for help
  • Drugs & Alcohol:
    • Drug Information
    • The Law
    • Effects on the body/society
    • Risks and safety measures
    • Units
    • Where to go for help
  • Lifeskills:
    • Confidence
    • Self esteem
    • Peer pressure
    • Decision making

These are broad topics and sessions can be tailor-made to suit a group’s needs.

If you would like to talk through possibilities then please do email me: rachaelpmduthie@gmail.com.